It is a well known fact that smoking is highly addictive, and many smokers have a very difficult time quitting. Besides the physical component of the addiction, there is also a psychological one: smoking is socially acceptable in many situations, and, of course, entirely legal. For these reasons it can be doubly difficult to quit smoking, especially if you have friends who smoke, or you regularly go to places that you associate with smoking. One of the first things you should so when attempting to quit smoking to adequately prepare yourself. Quitting doesn't begin with merely stopping one day - you should prepare yourself in advance in order to ensure success.
The psychological element of your smoking addiction has a lot to do with daily habits. The reason that smoking can become so difficult to quit is because the act entrenches itself into your daily life and routines, to the point where you give it little thought. Before they start to seriously think about quitting, most smokers will likely agree that smoking is simply something they do - it's not something they are particularly aware of on a day to day level.
So the first thing you should do to prepare yourself to quit smoking is to change your smoking habits: switch the brand of cigarettes you smoke, smoke at times of the day you don't normally, smoke with your other hand. All these things work towards making you more aware of what you are doing when you smoke, and making smoking integrate itself less seamlessly with your other activities.
Another good example of this is to make the following rule for yourself: when you smoke, you are not allowed to do anything else. So for example: no smoking while reading, no smoking while using the computer, etc. Force yourself to do nothing but sit and think about cigarettes when you smoke. This exercise will serve too functions: first of all, it will make you think about smoking much more, and ideally about how you're going to quit smoking; and second, depending on how much you smoke, it will make you aware of the time you waste doing it. For most people, the habit will seem much more severe - and thus there will be much more motivation to stop - when you add up all the minutes spent doing it.
To quit smoking is a serious undertaking, and you want to do everything in your power to ensure a high chance of success. Too many smokers simply try and quit cold turkey, and while this can be effective for some people, for most it doesn't work, and when you fail it will become harder to work up the morale to try again. By thinking of your plan to quit smoking as a long term one, you do yourself a lot of favors. So remember that the act of quitting smoking begins long before you stub out the final cigarette: you should adequately prepare yourself for weeks beforehand by making abrupt changes in your smoking habits.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
You Have To Prepare Yourself To Be Able Quit Smoking For Good
Posted by Blake at 10:11 AM 12 comments
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Have You Heard Of These Free Stop Smoking Aids?
According to most pharmacists, there are not too many free stop-smoking aids available, except through private philanthropist groups or the medical companies themselves. Counselors, private doctors and clinics sometimes give away free samples on a temporary basis to needy clients if they are available at the time, but usually they are not available on a steady enough basis, depending on the drug.
One example is the Pfizer Company who has just released a new drug similar to the stop smoking drug Zyban by Glaxo, called "Chantix", and has donated more medicines to patients than any other pharmaceutical company there was last year. However, all low-income and elderly patients who are under Medicare Part D are unable to get any free medications through any of the drug companies' tax-deductible charities, known as patient-assistance programs.
The three companies who are still giving free medication needy people with no insurance coverage or are not signed up through Medicare Part D are: Pfizer Inc.; Bristol-Myers Squibb Co.; and Merck & Co. Inc. The Bristol-Myers Squibb donated over $500 million worth of drugs to 1 million people in 2005.
A private company organized and ran by volunteers, called the Medical Discounts International (MDI), has a list of basic requirements that are needed for medical assistance. Last year alone they helped more than 7.6 million patients fill more than 11 million prescriptions, costing approximately $2.3 billion dollars. The basic requirements are:
* The applicant is required to be a US citizen
* There are no insurance coverage for outpatient prescription drugs
* There needs to be a physician to sign a form or call the drug company on behalf of the applicant
* The applicant does not qualify for a government or third party program which provides for prescription drugs
* The income level is considered a hardship level, requiring the applicant to purchase the drugs at a retail rate
* Income requirements:
o Less than $1,500 per month per individual, or $2,000 per month per family
o Each medication requires an income criteria that varies from below poverty to $60,000 (the higher income levels are MS, AIDS, transplant or cancer patients) who require very expensive drugs and medical maintenance
Other methods than can be utilized for the smokers to help with withdrawal is to learn how to cope with no medical help. The smokers can use other help area to learn the different ways available to stop smoking. One of the alternative methods is to join Smokers Anonymous. This is a self-help groups where smokers, who have given up smoking, advise and support those who want to give up smoking. These groups hold regular sessions, which can be very useful for a smoker who is facing withdrawal symptoms and finds other avenues blocked. The smoker can also turn to a family member or a friend, and ask for emotional or physical support. No monetary value can be attached to such support because it is genuine. The family member wants to help the smoker give up smoking, and is willing to spend hours with the smoker, or financially assist them in purchasing patches, gum, or other smoking aids.
The smoker can also pick up a simple hobby like gardening or building scrapbooks from newspapers clippings. These will keep him occupied and reduce the urge to smoke. The smoker must learn to fill up hours with meaningful and engrossing activity. This can only happen if the smoker picks up an activity in which he is genuinely interested. Another option is to bring discipline to his life, by drinking a glass of water or fruit juice whenever there is an urge to smoke. Another natural way to fight the urge to smoke is to learn the depp breathing techniques, learning to relax by taking a few deep breaths. Regular exercises also help. Ultimately, a healthy body leads to a healthy mind, and gives the smoker the strength to give up smoking.
About the Author
Check out for more articles on stop smoking tips and smoking facts.Article Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 8:37 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Choosing A Stop Smoking Program and Clinic
The problems that can appear when you give up smoking are described for the smoker to understand in a stop smoking program, and it also tells you how to cope with them. Because giving up smoking requires support and encouragement, the program provides it, and that way helps you a lot.
Therapy, both individually or in groups are included in the best smoking programs, because the therapy is decided on the basis on an individuals health, which in many cases, may vary, so, the smoker is required to undergo a full medical check up.
During a period of 2 weeks, trained counselors conduct a number of sessions, with duration of about 20 - 30 minutes. The duration of the program or the sessions can be modified depending most on the participating group.
Nicotine Anonymous is a group that runs stop smoking programs. To give the best help, the programs are led by people who have considerable experience in this area. Nicotine Anonymous works on the same principles as Alcoholics Anonymous and smokers can attend its meeting without paying anything. Such programs are sponsored by the American Cancer Society, Health Department and The American Lung Association.
To avoid programs that are not ethical, or programs that use only pills as a method of treatment it is important to do some research. Also, surely must be shunned the programs that refuse to disclose the details of, for example the chemicals used in the injections (or pills), as well as programs that promise instant results for high fees.
Because it takes time and patience to give up smoking, it is important to join a program that is well planned, and is willing to help you on a long-term basis.
Stop Smoking Clinic: A stop smoking clinic helps the smoker by advising him on how to give up. Being stuffed by both counselors and therapists helps the smoker, in his several counseling sessions (either one to one, or in groups), twice or thrice a week, by letting him interact with the counselor at any point of time.
In any stage counseling proves useful, but, in the beginning, when all smokers experience great withdrawal symptoms like emotional distress or abnormal weight, proves to be even more useful, because it provides the emotional support that the smoker desperately needs.
Several clinics help the smokers by putting them under different therapies, based on the smokers likes and dislikes, that help effectively control the withdrawal symptoms. Based on those likes, and dislikes, they are advised to use either nicotine patch, nicotine inhaler or nicotine gum or tablets.
Also, a part of the program is taken by regular exercise, because the exercises make the smoker feel healthy, and reduce his urge for a smoke. A good advice given by the clinics is that the smoker to pick a simple new hobby or interest to keep him busy, and taking his mind of the smoking thing.
Because the risk of going back to smoking again exists even if the smokers have finished the program, the clinics stay in touch with the smokers. The patients receive pamphlets by mail, which provide useful information, or are asked to attend seminars. For many reasons, people consider this phase of treatment more important than the actual quitting.
Because the clinics have trained counselors and mix therapy with counseling, most of them enjoy a high success rate.
About the Author
George Wood is a successful webmaster of many popular sites including plastic surgery and blog site. If you want to read more about stop smoking, click over to George stop smoking site.Article Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 10:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: quit smoking, smoking, stop smoking
Friday, March 23, 2007
Stop Smoking Gum Can Reduce Your Urge To Smoke
Today there are over 35 million people trying to stop smoking, with less than 5% of them succeeding - all due to the driving force of nicotine addiction in the cigarettes. One major type of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to help stop smoking is a nicotine gum that provides small doses of nicotine to the system, preventing nicotine withdrawal. Stop smoking gum is like any other chewing gum but is made with the nicotine-containing compound, nicotine polacrilex. It is made to release nicotine into the blood stream when placed in the mouth, between the cheek and gums.
Because the gum is part of NCT, it should be taken under medical supervision, not used as a chewing gum. This is important because the strength of the gum is predetermined, and excessive amounts of nicotine should not be taken unnecessarily. Nicotine gum is chewed with a "chew and park" method where you should chew it awhile, breaking the compound down in the gum, then parking it between the cheek and gum in order to release the nicotine into the system. If this method is not done, then the nicotine will be released into the saliva in the mouth. The nicotine will be swallowed, causing pain in the stomach with the nicotine craving still there.
The gum can be purchased as a 2 mg gum or a 4 mg gum, according to the physician's orders. It has a slight peppery taste, an indicator that it is "parking time" for the gum; when the gum begins to loose this peppery taste, begin chewing again. This chewing and parking should be done intermittently every half hour or so. A smoker is able to chew 15 to 25 pieces of gum in a 24-hour period, most effective when no food is in the system about fifteen minutes before using the gum.
The main difference between the gum and the cigarette, is that cigarette smoke will pass into the blood through the lung linings - the nicotine from the gum will take several minutes to pass into the brain through the lining of the inside mouth. This "nicotine hit" was purposely made to be less intensive than with the cigarette, assisting only in the pain of withdrawal, making it less stressful to stop smoking, not to enhance its act. The gum should be taken only when the urge to smoke is the highest, not when you begin to have an urge to smoke. It instantly releases a low quantity of nicotine, and produces the effects of pleasure and well being similar to smoking a cigarette.
People who suffer from hypertension and heart ailments should take the gum only under medical supervision, as stated earlier. The gum is very safe and can be used by people of all age groups. Minor side effects like mouth sores or indigestion are sometimes associated with the gum but it depends on the individual. As a precautionary measure, cigarettes must not be used with the gum since the nicotine levels in the blood will increase, which is harmful to the body.
About the Author
Check out for more articles on zyban and Quiting smoking.Article Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Your Smoking Addiction can be Un-hooked and Un-trapped
Hooked, trapped, desperate - Oh these words are so heart wringing. Are those that utter these soul-searing cries being tied up by their thumbs? Or have they fallen down an old mine shaft?
Well, umm, no, they have... well they have made a decision to become hooked, trapped and desperate.
See the news blog tumbling out... Scottish smokers, hooked on their smoking addiction have vowed to fight the smoking bans.
Read the Press Release from the pharmaceutical company announcing... Smokers trapped by their smoking addiction are offered a new drug.
Hear the media babbling... Britney Spears' husband is desperate to quit smoking for the sake of their children.
I bet if you are a smoker, you don't really use these strong words... more like, "I'd really like to quit, but I enjoy smoking, or, I've tried to quit but it's too hard, or, I want to quit, but I'm so addicted I don't think I can, or, I'm too scared, what if... " and so on.
But are smokers totally at the mercy of their habit and spinelessly despairing of escaping its bonds? Would they describe their smoking addiction like that? Trapped? Trapped by a chemical and emotional fix? They're not trapped by their decision, that's for sure, because we all have the ability to make our own decisions, yes or no as we wish.
A person makes a decision to try smoking. For some that leads to more decisions to reach out and take more cigarettes maybe a week or so later. Then some more, then pretty soon as the nicotine gets its grips into the brain's receptors, the person finds it becomes harder and harder not to go out of his or her way to acquire cigarettes to smoke... and hey presto, because of their decisions, they are now supposedly a hooked, trapped smoker, and if they want to quit, they are desperate.
But it still comes down to a decision to smoke. Every time a smoker lights up it is a decision they have made. A simple, personal decision, along with 1000's of other decisions each day that make up that person's character, lifestyle, mood, health and future.
A daily decision to get out of bed is made.
A decision not to have another helping of food is made.
You decide to clean the house, take the dog out in the rain, stack the dishes, and sort out your accounts for tax.
You don't dwell on how you'll miss lingering in your warm bed, or how you'll suffer without more food, or how unpleasant it will be to walk the dog in the rain, do the dishes, tax etc.
No, with unpleasant decisions you simply do what needs to be done because the consequences not to would be worse.
Some people make daily major decisions, sacrificing a lot because of a goal worth aiming for, such as a champion swimmer rising at 5am to practice 2 hrs before breakfast. Thus it is with smoking, or exercise, or getting out of bed in the morning. It's a matter of making the decision and focusing on the outcome.
You know it's absolutely pointless to try to worm your way out of getting out of bed. Who would you worm to anyway! But the point is it's automatic, although for some people it's an effort, to get up in the morning, but it has to be done. Has to... and your decision is made, because the day beckons and there's a whole lot of living to do.
You're in charge of your decisions. You are not trapped; your brain and body are resisting, but no-one is tying you to your bed, so up you get... no-one is forcing you to have your smoking addiction, although your brain and body crave a smoke, so decide to get help to control it and focus on something better.
It's your decision and the consequences are not that crash hot if you don't make the right decisions.
About the Author
Megan Carter's website, is right up-to-date with information to make quitting smoking a breeze. Find more articles and information at The Ultimate Quit Smoking GuideArticle Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 19, 2007
Stop Smoking Herbs - Have You Tried Natural Herbs To Quit Smoking?
To stop smoking is hard, and most smokers cannot quit - and if they do - it is only for a short time. More and more people are getting into the natural way of doing things anymore, and using herbs to stop smoking is a very popular method for smokers today. Those who have been able to quit smoking with using herbs as a preventive, swear by them as a successful aid.
They help in combating the withdrawal symptoms that every smoker faces when he tries to give up smoking. Among other things, the herbal cures lead to positive mood swings and reduce the urge to light another cigarette.
One of the natural substances that can be used by people when they want to quit smoking is Lobelia, or Indian tobacco, an old and controversial herb that has recently become popular to smokers who want to quit the habit and cannot. Used for centuries as an expectorant that cleans the lungs, it was used for asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, or pleurisy.
Many uses are connected with Lobelia - relaxants, antispasmodics, diaphoretics, reducing inflammations and pain, poultices, hyperactivity, easing muscle tension or convulsions - which go back in history until its recent popularity today. Many believe it makes the taste of regular tobacco "repulsive" while other naturalists use it to clam the nerves and relax the body muscles, easing mild depression.
Lately, current evidence suggests the herb Lobelia can produce similar effects on the human body as nicotine, yet is not addictive and helps eliminate the desire to smoke. There is trouble when it is overused, such as vomiting, drowsiness, weak pulse, and respiratory failure.
Another herb is the Mimosa tea ("mimosa hostilis"), a perennial evergreen shrub that is native to northeastern Brazil and also found in southern Mexico. The root bark is the choice part of the plant, traditionally used in the preparation of a psychoactive sacramental beverage.
Giving up smoking may make you feel anxious, or give you a headache but a strong cup of Mimosa tea can boost your mood and help you calm down. It is not addictive and is recommended for use instead of anti-depressant medicines. Similarly, the traditional Chinese CaoSu herb diminishes the desire to smoke.
Smoking non-tobacco cigarettes look like regular cigarettes and are available in many flavors like burnt sienna and menthol. They offer the same sensation while smoking as regular cigarettes but are healthier because they don't contain nicotine or tar. However, you must consult your doctor before taking these or any herbal medicines, because many of them may contain substances similar to drugs.
You must also eat lots of raw or lightly steamed fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water, fruit juice, herbal tea, etc, to flush out the nicotine. Try taking hot baths, whirlpool baths, and saunas. These make you feel better, and reduce the urge to smoke.
Another way to fight the craving for nicotine is to chew on a large flavored toothpick, or squirt juice into your mouth. Similarly, drinking herbal tea, which is made from five different herbs, can help you to fight the urge to smoke.
About the Author
Check out for more articles on side affects Of zyban and nicotine patch.Article Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 10:23 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Steps to quit smoking
Cigarette smoking's is assosiated with a long list of debilitating conditions that have been well-documented, with heart disease and stroke, cancer, and chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases primarily amongst them. While group health plans routinely cover the cost of treatment for these smoking-related illnesses, however, that is not the rule for programs to help smokers quit.
If you too feel that you are in this vicious circle and need to leave the habit then it could be easily done by following the simple easy steps:
1. You should think about cutting down or quitting smoking
It can be easily done if you talk to others about smoking and observe that how a non smoker reacts to a smoker at the same time look at the negative steps of smoking. You can even smoke before the mirror to watch what exactly goes on while you smoke.
2. Gather more information about quitting
You can ask ex smokers how they managed to leave the habit or tell your friend that you wish to opt healthy alternatives to smoke. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, wait for a moment before lighting up, again experience the urge fully and think different ways to respond to this situation. You can even reward yourself when you feel that you are aware about your smoking habits.
3. Try to modify your smoking risks such as switch brands or cut down
You can start a smoking journal and then record when you smoke more or less than usual. At the same time you can try certain stress reduction techniques and adopt more healthier activity that is in compatiable with smoking such as swimming, dancing etc. You can even switch to a low brand and then reward yourself for each risk modification.
4. You should decide to quit
You need to keep a track of the number of cigarettes you smoke every day , again stop buying cartons and make it one at a time. Try to identify what are your top smoking triggers. Brushing your teeth many times a day shall help and then list the reasons that you want to quit. Switching brands each week with lower brands each time will help. Postpone every third cigarette you smoke.
5. Set a quitting date
Decide yourself that you have to quit and therefore sit at non smoking sections of restaurants and airplanes. Prepare a minimum of three responses to your top cigarette triggers. Try to cut back upon alcoholic beverages and also set up a health bank.
6. Try to remain far away from cigarettes for about 24 hours
Schedule healthful activities such as walking, fishing. You can also indulge yourself in different activities such as brushing your teeth or sending your favourite clothes for washing meaning thereby keeping yourself busy and diverted from smoking. Do remember to discard all your ashtrays.
7. Make sure you complete one year as a non smoker
Reward yourslef on a daily basis such as massages, hot baths and then avoid smoking or drinking places and observe how better does your food tastes.
These are some of the ways that could help you out in quitting smoking but again many people face trouble in getting rid of this drug abuse. To this, there are certain smoking cessation medicines that work in a way to help the person quit smoking.
For more information, visit our website to know more about approved medicines and treatments.
About Author
Olivia Andrews, writing for is a freelance journalist and has written many reviews on subjects such as finance, education, health, entertainment, music, gifts, crafts, travel, apparels and mobile phones.
Posted by Blake at 8:54 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
You Can Stop Smoking
The facts are clear. There is nothing worse you could do to adversely affect your health. Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death. Women are three times more likely to develop lung cancer then men. Cancer has now replaced heart disease as the number one killer of Americans aged 85 and younger. 1/3 of all cancer deaths are related to smoking.
Although there has been a huge decrease in the number of smokers between 1965 and 2000, 22f American adults still continue to smoke. The good news is that surveys have shown that 70f active smokers want to quit.
When you quit smoking the benefits are immediate. Blood cells that transport carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke begin to transport healthy oxygen. Even though quitting doesn't completely eliminate the risk of developing lung cancer, the risk of lung cancer starts to decline. One year after quitting smoking your chances of having a heart attack drops by half. The risk of lung cancer continues to decline and drop dramatically five to ten years after quitting. So we know that quitting is essential to enjoying a long and healthy life. The question is how do you pick the right way to stop smoking for you?
The first thing you need to know is that most smokers quit unsuccessfully several times before they quit for good. You will most likely not be successful your first time around - but you must still try! Each time you attempt to quit you come closer to finally quitting for good.
There are many organizations available to help you take control of your health and quit smoking. Most smokers find a greater success rate in groups. Organizations such as SmokEnders have community based seminars and will come to the workplace to counsel smokers. SmokEnders is a gradual stop smoking program that says it's success is based on treating the physical and the psychological aspects of smoking. They offer unlimited toll-free phone counseling.
Some people prefer to try to stop cold turkey. They stop smoking completely with little or no reduction in the number of cigarettes they smoke beforehand. As with any smoker who quits, those who quit cold turkey will experience the withdrawal symptoms of irritability, increased appetite and restlessness. For someone trying to stop smoking cold turkey help can be obtained using medications such as Zyban which lessens withdrawal symptoms. Zyban can only be obtained with a prescription.
Some smokers obtain relief from smoking withdrawal with a nicotine replacement commonly known as a nicotine patch. Patches are used for up to eight weeks. Nicotine patches are available over the counter. It is suggested that you talk to your doctor before trying any over the counter nicotine replacement therapy.
The American Cancer Society and American Lung Association have free information available. The federal government also has free information for smokers available at
About Author
Article courtesy of
Posted by Blake at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 12, 2007
A Short Guide to Stop Smoking
If you are a long-time smoker and wish to stop smoking, the following guidelines may be of use in quitting the habit. Smoking has long-term health hazards, as reported in news clips and reports. The habit however is a personal decision, and it all depends on how determined a person is, and what level of abstinence can be practiced in order to stop smoking.
People take to smoking for various reasons. It could be the sheer charm of smoking, joining a group, beating stress, soothing and calming nerves, and so on. The reasons for quitting are commonly health related.
There does not seem to be a trick in quitting a habit. It is easy to fall back and start all over again. Perhaps a slow and steady approach can do the trick when more severe methods have failed.
Here are a few words to guide and reaffirm your determination to quit smoking if you wish to do so:
1. If you keep failing, have faith in yourself. You can do it, if others have done it before.
2. It is important to remind yourself of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Write them down and read them regularly.
3. Seek help from others around, the ones you trust, in talking to you about quitting. When others persuade us, it may work better for some.
4. There are medical substitutes available that help people climb down on the amounts.
5. Setting a deadline by the end of which one must quit can help in some cases.
6. Find out which plan works best for you – an immediate stop, a gradual pulling out, or some combination.
7. Knowing and talking to people who have quit smoking can boost your morale.
8. Smoking could be related to poor health and regimen. Change your regimen and see if it can substitute for the need to smoke.
9. Visualize the lifestyle of a non-smoker, and find out why it is positive and good. This will increase the attraction toward the goal.
For more information on quitting smoking, visit: stop smoking
About Author
The author is a freelance writer and associated with
Posted by Blake at 7:03 AM 1 comments
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Tips To Help Ease Your Struggle To Stop Smoking
Smoking cigarettes or using tobacco is a self destructive and a suicidal behavior. If you are a smoker, then you already know this simple fact. But just knowing and being able to do something about it are often two different things.
You are probably aware that millions and millions of people die from tobacco related disease each and every year. But knowing this has not caused more than a minor movement away from use of the deadly plant by the general public. In fact, children all over the world are being led into the same destructive path as their elders. At their young age, they started smoking their first cigarettes, and quickly became addicted to a daily habit.
The huge problem with smoking cigarettes is in the seemingly unbreakable habit of using them. Habits are built - or assembled if you will - over a period of time and are created by repetitious behavior. Without the habit, which creates the craving, tobacco has no power of its own. It is as harmless and of no consequence as any simple garden weed. It is that internal unintentional perception about the drug that makes it dangerous.
Removing this kind of habit from a human being is not so simple. It requires a complete program of steps, taken one at a time with care and commitment. With this type of program, ending the smoking habit will feel more natural and is actually easier, even less painful than starting it. The first place to start is with these simple questions: Do you really want to quit smoking? Are you ready to do it now? If your answer to either question is "no," you will probably be unable to quit at all.
Here are some simple but effective quit smoking tips:
Tip 1: Think of yourself as a non-smoker.
One of the best ways to think like a non-smoker one is to picture yourself in your day to day routine without cigarettes. When people ask you for a cigarette, you tell them that you don't smoke. When you eat in a restaurant, you choose the non-smoking section. You stop taking breaks at work to smoke. Conceptualizing yourself as someone who doesn’t smoke will help you make that vision a reality. It may sound silly, but positive thinking of very specific activities in your life can help you achieve your goals.
Tip 2: Drink more water.
Water can be very instrumental in ending your smoking habit. Water flushes out the body and any toxins quickly. Some people feel bloated for the first couple of days of drinking extra water, but you will quickly enjoy its benefits. Drinking extra water will cause you to urinate more often, thus eliminating the toxins caused by smoking more quickly, reducing the urge to smoke. On top of that, you will feel healthier and more energetic.
Tip 3: Quit smoking with a buddy.
Encourage someone who always talks about quitting smoke to join you. It is much easier to give up a bad habit if you have a friend with whom to share sympathy and helpful tips. This "quit" buddy can help share your struggles because they know exactly what you’re going through.
Tip 4: Enlist support from others in your life.
Don’t try to quit smoking alone! It is best to let everyone know that you are quitting. Tell your best friend. Tell your girlfriend or boyfriend. Tell your mom. Make sure you let everyone know when you will be quitting so that you have people to hold you responsible if you are tempted to start again.
Tip 5: Count the days when you stop smoking.
Count the days you are smoke free. You can compare the number of days you last smoked to the present day. Make a point to always know how long you’ve quit smoking. Counting the days of not smoking will help convince you that you have quit for good. Most people will lose their cravings for cigarettes after about 3 days. If you are counting the days right from the start, then you will know when you can look forward to it becoming easier. In the beginning, it may seem like they will last forever. But after a few days, you'll find that they continue to lessen and that it will get easier.
Tip 6: Be kind to yourself.
It isn't easy to quit smoking, so be sure to reward yourself for your progress. Take yourself out to your favorite restaurant Buy yourself some flowers. You'll find that you can now enjoy their scent for the first time in years!
About Author
If you have decided to quit smoking, but need help, be sure to visit Lisa Corwin's Finish Smoking site for more tips:
Posted by Blake at 8:51 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 9, 2007
Stop Smoking: Directions on How to Stop Smoking
Stop Smoking: how to quit smoking
So you want to quit smoking do you?
It has been estimated that the average smoker has wasted over $400,000 in tobacco purchases and medical expenses by the age of 35.
So imagine what you could do if you did stop smoking!
How do you quit? You put your mind to it and you do it.
You do not have to pay lots of money for hypnosis or for acupuncture or even some expensive nicotine patch. Just let your friends know that you are now serious about kicking the habit of smoking and get started on a free program.
U.S. Surgeon General has reported that nicotine is just as addictive as heroin and
So you will want to take this seriously, because it is NOT going to get any easier to quit if you procrastinate this.
Those once smoking a pack or more a day, who have given up smoking for at least one year, have a death rate less than half that of those who have continued smoking. - American Cancer Society
One of the first people that I helped to quit smoking, always said that she really wanted to quit smoking. But when I asked her, she would say that she wanted to start her program once she had finished her current new pack of cigarettes. I asked her how much the pack cost her, and then offered to give her that amount of money to buy the pack from her. I bought her cigarette pack from her, and then I crushed the pack into pieces over the trash can.
Even if you do not care about your health, others do, and by you smoking, there is a danger of second hand smoke for others. And the worse part of it is that those that look up to you, may soon be copying your dirty habit. I have worked with lots of people who I have helped to stop smoking, who had been smoking for many years. It is not easy, but I know that it is possible.
You will want to remove all the things from your surroundings that make you crave tobacco. This means that you will need to get rid of the smells from your car, your clothes, your carpet and entire home. That could mean that you need to stay away from your favorite porch chair for a while, if that is where you do most of your smoking. Get rid of all of your ash trays. Stay away from the places where you normally buy the cigarettes.
Some people like to get candies to put into their mouth, for whenever they feel the urge to smoke. It is recommended that you use cinnamon flavor, since that helps control the urge. Before you start, get some cinnamon flavored candies and cinnamon flavored mouth wash. Orange juice, or even better, grapefruit juice, has shown to be especially helpful, due to the high vitamin C content. Have the juice available in your refrigerator and wherever you go. Get some healthy munchies. For example, maybe put a bag of those mini carrots in your refrigerator.
Stay away from high fat foods, coffee, and alcohol, while you are trying to quit. By doing this, you will be fighting some of the natural triggers that have stopped you from quitting smoking in the past.
A free program that has been used by over 20 million people, is the Five-Day Plan to Quit Smoking, put together by two Christians in 1964. And it is still being used today! The plan has been recognized by the World Health Organization, the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, and the American Heart Association. This plan was put together by J.Wayne McFarland, M.D. and Elman J. Folkenberg. There are some places that will charge you to do this plan, with personal assistance, but you can download a find a free copy on the internet and do it on your own at no cost too.
The plan takes you through a five day long, step-by-step program to easily change your daily habits and achieve your goals to quit smoking. Through psychological motivations and physical changes (such as slight dietary modifications), the Five-Day Plan works to break your nicotine cravings and smoking routine.
About Author
Spencer Hunt is a glyconutrients distributor
who recommends a low glycemic diet and all 8 glyconutrients. He helps people to buy discount glyconutrients products in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the United Kingdom, and other places.
Posted by Blake at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
The First Important Step To Stop Smoking Is Planning
Millions of people smoke, and to many, particularly those that have been smoking for some time, the prospect of quitting seems daunting. An addiction to nicotine is a serious one, and is multifaceted: there is a physical component, in that your body craves the nicotine the cigarettes contain, and a psychological one, in that many habits and situations become associated with cigarettes for the smoker. For these reasons it is important that you come up with a plan of attack in order to quit smoking: although the cold-turkey technique works for some people, the vast majority of smokers will have success only with a more comprehensive plan.
When you first consider the prospect of quitting smoking, it's probably going to seem far fetched, but keep in mind that thousands of people - people that are no different from you - quit smoking every year. If they can do it, there's no reason that you can't. Many smokers also feel that after a certain age it is "too-late" to quit smoking. Simply put, this isn't true, and should not be used as an excuse to avoid an attempt to quit smoking: the health benefits of quitting smoking begin the very day you stop.
Before you actually have your last cigarette, begin to build up your willpower. Your willpower is going to be your most important tool in quitting, and it's very unlikely that you will be successful without it. Spend some time thinking of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Learn about the health benefits of quitting, for both yourself and the people around you. Do some math and come up with some figures for the amount of money you'll save by not buying cigarettes, and think of something you'll use that money for.
Once you've built up your willpower, it's time to have your last cigarette. To keep your spirits up, understand that the human body is incredibly resilient, and your health will improve as soon as you stop smoking - literally. 8 hours after your last cigarette, carbon monoxide levels and oxygen levels in your blood stream will return to normal. At 24 hours after your last cigarette, you statistically reduce your chance of a heart attack. Only 48 hours after your last cigarette, your sense of taste and smell will improve as your nerve endings start growing.
As you continue to stay smoke free, think of the longer-term benefits to quitting in order to keep your willpower up: even after 2 weeks your lung power will begin to increase, and continue to do so over time. Other aspects of your health will continue to improve in various ways. The ultimate motivator should be the knowledge that 15 years after quitting, your risk of death is almost the same as someone who has never smoked - a remarkable fact that illustrates our the human body's surprising ability to restore itself.
By coming up with a concrete plan to quit smoking you will greatly increase your chances of success. Crucial is understanding the important role that your willpower will play in the process, and planning to build up this willpower weeks before you attempt to quit. Once you've stopped you have to keep the strength of this willpower up, and to do so, remind yourself of the health benefits you will be privy to immediately after butting out that last cigarette.
About the Author
By Abbas Abedi-To make your break from the smoking habit easier visit my blog Stop Smoking HypnosisArticle Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 8:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: quit smoking, stop smoking, stop smoking hypnosis
Monday, March 5, 2007
Stop Smoking Programs - What Should I Look For When Picking A Quit Smoking Program?
When you are considering a program to quit smoking, it is important to understand some of the methods in which it touches base on, helping you understand the problems that you will face when you give up smoking and how to cope with them.
Not only is your own will and determination important, but the caring and support of those around you when things get rough. Some of the best stop-smoking programs include counseling, both individually or in groups, and therapy.
The therapy is different from counseling as it is in reference to the individual and how they are responding to quitting smoking. It is decided on the basis of an individual's health, for which a smoker is required to undergo a full medical check up.
Most of these stop-smoking programs are normally spread over a period of 2 weeks. During this period, trained counselors conduct anywhere from four to seven sessions, the duration of which ranges from 20 to 30 minutes. The duration of the total program or the sessions can be modified based on the needs of the participating group and the individual involved. The programs are invariably led by people who have had considerable experience in assisting people give up smoking.
One excellent group that runs such programs is Nicotine Anonymous, which works on the same principles as Alcoholics Anonymous. Like AA, smokers can attend all meetings free of cost and have a continuous support group on a weekly basis. The American Lung Association, Health Department, and American Cancer Society also sponsor such free programs and support groups for smokers who are trying to quit smoking.
There are so many programs to choose from in regard to quitting smoking, it is best to research how legitimate they are before joining. It is never easy to quit anything, but smoking seems to be one of the worst. Looking around at all the programs, realize what you will be up against - being honest with yourself - while also looking at the options should be carefully done before beginning.
It is pretty hard to be objective about an addictive drug that is present in the body about three or four days after quitting the nicotine, but to be truthful and honest about what is going to happen and what it will take to successfully quit is what it takes.
However, before joining any such program, you need to do some research. You must avoid programs that are not ethical, or programs that use injections or pills as the only method of treatment. The programs that refuse to disclose details of the chemicals used in injections must surely be shunned. So should be those programs that charge high fees or promise instant results.
And most of all, you must remember that it takes time and patience to give up smoking. Most smokers have been at it for quite awhile, and won't be able to quit overnight. But once you do, food will taste better and your sense of smell will be back to normal. Shortness of breath will be gone, and you will return to better health. Join a program that is well planned and willing to help you on a long-term basis for a major future goal.
About the Author
Check out for more articles on nicorette gum and stop smoking products.Article Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Stop Smoking Tips - Is There One That Works?
There are many stop smoking techniques that make the withdrawals of nicotine less painful and stressful, with each one varying upon the individuals and how bad the addiction is. The techniques will not break the smoking habit - only you can - but it will make it easier.
Quitting smoking will be more successful if you make the decision to quit smoking yourself with sheer will and determination. The American Heart and Lung Association has a 24-hour hotline for all kinds of help and support for quitting smoking, along with free quit smoking sessions.
To quit smoking requires changing your behavior, according to the Stages of Change Model. In the pre-contemplation stage, the smoker is not thinking seriously about quitting but just "pondering" it sporadically while in the contemplation stage, the smoker is considering quitting more seriously, but is not ready to make the attempt at that time.
In the preparation stage, the smoker is serious about quitting, thinks about developing a plan, and possibly even has a date in mind. The action stage is exactly what it says; you are going into action to quit smoking for a period of 6 months when the smoker is quitting is known as the action stage. The maintenance stage is the period of 6 months to 5 years after quitting. The ex-smoker is aware of the danger of starting to smoke again and takes steps to avoid it. If you want to quit smoking, you need to have a plan and decide on a date when you want to quit. You can pick a date at random, or a birthday or anniversary.
A lot of heavy smokers will quit abruptly by going cold turkey while others some do it in stages by progressively reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke everyday. You can prepare for the big day by telling everyone about your intention and making a plan about nicotine replacement therapy, support groups, classes, etc. and have an actual date in mind to quit.
On the day when you quit smoking, keep yourself active and busy and drink lots of water and juices. Dispose off all your cigarettes, ashtrays, lighters, etc., and avoid alcohol and situations where you may be tempted to smoke, such as bars or restaurants where you have always smoked.
This will be a difficult phase so it would be a good idea to begin some form of therapy or counseling sessions, beginning some sort of nicotine replacement therapy, if needed. There are many forms of NRT, such as gum, patches, shots, natural, diet, and many new developing methods.
Deep breathing and oral substitutes like carrot sticks, raw vegetables, sunflower seeds, sugarless gum, or hard candy can be useful. If you feel an uncontrollable urge to smoke, abstain for at least 10 minutes and don't give in. This may allow you to regain control of yourself. This will happen for weeks to maybe months and needing to develop a plan of attack immediately is worth it.
Find out what works in the body the best, as you will use it to fight strong urges to smoke, months, or even years after you quit. Even if you do revert to smoking, don't lose heart. Jump back on the bandwagon, learning from your experiences and prepare to make a stronger attempt the next time.
About the Author
Check out for more articles on nicorete and stop smoking guaranteed.Article Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 8:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: Stop Smoking Tips
Saturday, March 3, 2007
10 Ways to Quit Smoking Forever
Quitting is big business, and there's an endless array of ways to spend money on kicking the habit. Smokers spend about $2,400 per year on cigarettes, so, while some of the products and therapies are expensive, they are still less expensive than a life-long smoking habit. As with all programs, each person is different, so everyone will respond to a program in a different way. Giving up smoking is like giving up a neurotic relationship. Ultimately there comes a day when the decision is made, only to return to what you know is bad for you. Premature wrinkles and yellow teeth don't deter smokers - so, how do you quit? Here are some of the most popular program today.
Many people try to quit cold turkey. It's the easiest method to begin. Simply stop smoking and resolve -through willpower alone - to never take another puff. The success rate is about 3-5% because most smokers are not prepared to take on both sides of quitting: intense withdrawal cravings and smoking habits. If you have had a difficult time trying to quit in the past, studies show you should consider trying an assisted quit method
The patch is KING! In clinical trials, nicotine replacement therapy was shown to double a person's chances of quitting. The patch functions by transdermally (topically) feeding the body nicotine at a continuous and regulated pace over a 24-hour period, controlling the body's physical addiction which allows a smoker to sever the mental reliance on tobacco. The total cost of Nicoderm is $270 for the 10week therapy. There are normally no adverse reactions, but side effects can include irregular heartbeat, rashes, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and weakness.
Grass Roots "Smoke No More" is an herbal tincture. This option is popular because of the "oral fixation" so often associated with smoking. Whenever a smoker has a craving, the Smoke No More drops are placed under the tongue and held there until its absorbed. According to the creators, the tincture works based on healing the connection of mind, body and spirit. Relaxing the mind staves off cravings. And the absence of tobacco detoxifies the system. Reports claim that the drops are horrible tasting and burn immediately upon using. Side effects include quesiness, making the user less interested in both smoking AND eating, but it is something to do with the mouth. Smoke No More can be purchased for about $22 at herbal stores.
If you'd like to try acupuncture, don't confuse the National Board Certified or Licensed Acupuncturist with Certified Acupnucturist. The latter is a doctor or dentist who has completed only 300 hours of course work. These types are great for physical injury but are less equipped to handle internal problems. According to this Chinese tradition, inserting needles in certain points on the body will draw energy to that point and then redirect it to the area of concern. This allows the body to heal itself. For addictions such as smoking, the three points that correspond to the liver, kidneys and sympathetic nervous system are targeted and, by detoxifying the body, the cravings for nicotine are reduced and there is an increase in the flow of energy into the body. While peaceful and stimulating at the same time, for a half-hour treatment one can expect to spend $75 for the first treatment and $55 for subsequent treatments. Over a series of 20 treatments, although acupuncture is not a miracle cure, the experts guarantee the results.
Many people find the support and encouragement of counseling or group treatment helpful. Counseling can help smokers identify and overcome situations that trigger the urge to smoke. Research shows the success rates for all quit methods are higher when coupled with ready access to support. For help with your quitting effort, consider selecting a program that is at least four to eight weeks in length. The programs that work best provide plenty of encouragement and weekly one-on-one meetings with a counselor.
Deciding to do an in-home hypnosis program like Dr. Walton's or employing the services of an certified hypnotist, stimulating the occurrence of deep focus and relaxation means making yourself vulnerable to someone else. By filling out an extensive questionnaire to determine one's particular smoking habits, motivations and patterns, the hypnotist can use the subjects brain to "reprogramm" the cravings. Self-affirming phrases like "I don't want to smoke" and "I don't need to smoke" are used to convince the brain that what it has been told during hypnosis is factual, therefore allowing the body to "ignore" the need to smoke. The National Institute for Mental Health reports that 80% of smokers who use this method successfully quit smoking; it's the longest lasting form of therapy on the market. For this service, expect to do sessions again and spend $75/hour to drop your average addiction.
CHANTIX is a pill that is different from other ways to quit. It contains no nicotine but works on the same receptors as nicotine. And it's the addiction to nicotine inhaled from smoking that makes quitting so hard.
Ciga-Rest is also a pill designed to help smokers overcome the urge to smoke whenever and where ever it strikes.
Smoking cessation prescription medications are clinically proven to help smokers.
There are also the fun ones that let you think you're actually having a cigarette! E-Z QUIT is a smokeless cigarette substitute that fills your need to do something with your hands and mouth, and to inhale deeply. Smokers can use E-Z QUIT by itself or together with any other quit smoking method.
While unpleasant in any form, quitting smoking can be devastating. Most relapse and then crawl back on the wagon without successfully giving up. Picking and sticking to one of these methods is the best way to ultimately increase health and rid the body of cravings all together.
About the Author
Kevin Dark is the owner of online cigarettes store, which is for those who haven't quit yet.Article Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 7:09 AM 1 comments
Labels: quit smoking
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Stop Smoking Herbs - Have You Tried Natural Herbs To Quit Smoking?
To stop smoking is hard, and most smokers cannot quit - and if they do - it is only for a short time. More and more people are getting into the natural way of doing things anymore, and using herbs to stop smoking is a very popular method for smokers today. Those who have been able to quit smoking with using herbs as a preventive, swear by them as a successful aid.
They help in combating the withdrawal symptoms that every smoker faces when he tries to give up smoking. Among other things, the herbal cures lead to positive mood swings and reduce the urge to light another cigarette.
One of the natural substances that can be used by people when they want to quit smoking is Lobelia, or Indian tobacco, an old and controversial herb that has recently become popular to smokers who want to quit the habit and cannot. Used for centuries as an expectorant that cleans the lungs, it was used for asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, or pleurisy.
Many uses are connected with Lobelia - relaxants, antispasmodics, diaphoretics, reducing inflammations and pain, poultices, hyperactivity, easing muscle tension or convulsions - which go back in history until its recent popularity today. Many believe it makes the taste of regular tobacco "repulsive" while other naturalists use it to clam the nerves and relax the body muscles, easing mild depression.
Lately, current evidence suggests the herb Lobelia can produce similar effects on the human body as nicotine, yet is not addictive and helps eliminate the desire to smoke. There is trouble when it is overused, such as vomiting, drowsiness, weak pulse, and respiratory failure.
Another herb is the Mimosa tea ("mimosa hostilis"), a perennial evergreen shrub that is native to northeastern Brazil and also found in southern Mexico. The root bark is the choice part of the plant, traditionally used in the preparation of a psychoactive sacramental beverage.
Giving up smoking may make you feel anxious, or give you a headache but a strong cup of Mimosa tea can boost your mood and help you calm down. It is not addictive and is recommended for use instead of anti-depressant medicines. Similarly, the traditional Chinese CaoSu herb diminishes the desire to smoke.
Smoking non-tobacco cigarettes look like regular cigarettes and are available in many flavors like burnt sienna and menthol. They offer the same sensation while smoking as regular cigarettes but are healthier because they don't contain nicotine or tar. However, you must consult your doctor before taking these or any herbal medicines, because many of them may contain substances similar to drugs.
You must also eat lots of raw or lightly steamed fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water, fruit juice, herbal tea, etc, to flush out the nicotine. Try taking hot baths, whirlpool baths, and saunas. These make you feel better, and reduce the urge to smoke.
Another way to fight the craving for nicotine is to chew on a large flavored toothpick, or squirt juice into your mouth. Similarly, drinking herbal tea, which is made from five different herbs, can help you to fight the urge to smoke.
About the Author
Check out for more articles on side affects Of zyban and nicotine patch.Article Source: OnlineEarnings Article Board
Posted by Blake at 8:53 AM 0 comments