Smoking cigarettes or using tobacco is a self destructive and a suicidal behavior. If you are a smoker, then you already know this simple fact. But just knowing and being able to do something about it are often two different things.
You are probably aware that millions and millions of people die from tobacco related disease each and every year. But knowing this has not caused more than a minor movement away from use of the deadly plant by the general public. In fact, children all over the world are being led into the same destructive path as their elders. At their young age, they started smoking their first cigarettes, and quickly became addicted to a daily habit.
The huge problem with smoking cigarettes is in the seemingly unbreakable habit of using them. Habits are built - or assembled if you will - over a period of time and are created by repetitious behavior. Without the habit, which creates the craving, tobacco has no power of its own. It is as harmless and of no consequence as any simple garden weed. It is that internal unintentional perception about the drug that makes it dangerous.
Removing this kind of habit from a human being is not so simple. It requires a complete program of steps, taken one at a time with care and commitment. With this type of program, ending the smoking habit will feel more natural and is actually easier, even less painful than starting it. The first place to start is with these simple questions: Do you really want to quit smoking? Are you ready to do it now? If your answer to either question is "no," you will probably be unable to quit at all.
Here are some simple but effective quit smoking tips:
Tip 1: Think of yourself as a non-smoker.
One of the best ways to think like a non-smoker one is to picture yourself in your day to day routine without cigarettes. When people ask you for a cigarette, you tell them that you don't smoke. When you eat in a restaurant, you choose the non-smoking section. You stop taking breaks at work to smoke. Conceptualizing yourself as someone who doesn’t smoke will help you make that vision a reality. It may sound silly, but positive thinking of very specific activities in your life can help you achieve your goals.
Tip 2: Drink more water.
Water can be very instrumental in ending your smoking habit. Water flushes out the body and any toxins quickly. Some people feel bloated for the first couple of days of drinking extra water, but you will quickly enjoy its benefits. Drinking extra water will cause you to urinate more often, thus eliminating the toxins caused by smoking more quickly, reducing the urge to smoke. On top of that, you will feel healthier and more energetic.
Tip 3: Quit smoking with a buddy.
Encourage someone who always talks about quitting smoke to join you. It is much easier to give up a bad habit if you have a friend with whom to share sympathy and helpful tips. This "quit" buddy can help share your struggles because they know exactly what you’re going through.
Tip 4: Enlist support from others in your life.
Don’t try to quit smoking alone! It is best to let everyone know that you are quitting. Tell your best friend. Tell your girlfriend or boyfriend. Tell your mom. Make sure you let everyone know when you will be quitting so that you have people to hold you responsible if you are tempted to start again.
Tip 5: Count the days when you stop smoking.
Count the days you are smoke free. You can compare the number of days you last smoked to the present day. Make a point to always know how long you’ve quit smoking. Counting the days of not smoking will help convince you that you have quit for good. Most people will lose their cravings for cigarettes after about 3 days. If you are counting the days right from the start, then you will know when you can look forward to it becoming easier. In the beginning, it may seem like they will last forever. But after a few days, you'll find that they continue to lessen and that it will get easier.
Tip 6: Be kind to yourself.
It isn't easy to quit smoking, so be sure to reward yourself for your progress. Take yourself out to your favorite restaurant Buy yourself some flowers. You'll find that you can now enjoy their scent for the first time in years!
About Author
If you have decided to quit smoking, but need help, be sure to visit Lisa Corwin's Finish Smoking site for more tips:
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