Friday, February 2, 2007

Stopping Smoking: What to Expect

Stopping Smoking: What to Expect
By Eric Hartwell

Giving up smoking is not always easy – nobody said it would be! But knowing what to expect is half the battle in fighting the habit and being truly successful in regaining control of your life.

Many smokers just rush into the phase of quitting without really knowing what will happen to their bodies and how they might feel. Understandably, they fail because of unpreparedness, which can lead to distress and panic.

The first week is going to be the most difficult. You may feel bewildered and unsure about what is happening or what is going to happen.

Your body is withdrawing from the chemical and social effects of cigarette smoking and things will happen that will make you feel uneasy.

Withdrawal symptoms are caused by the nicotine in the blood being removed. This can have a number of effects including restlessness, anxiety, feelings of stress, irritability, frustration, lethargy and problems with sleeping.

It can even lead to symptoms of a sore throat, dry mouth and increased coughing and respiratory irritation.

All of these symptoms are completely normal and are experienced by many smokers that are trying to give up. None of them are dangerous but they can be distressing. Understanding what might happen can help you to conquer the feelings and symptoms when they arrive.

Try and accept the fact that you will feel uneasy and even slightly unwell. Allow them to happen. Or take diversionary measures – go for a walk, visit a friend, do something different.

Within a short space of time you will feel better and your confidence will increase as you realise that you are over the worse phase in the stopping smoking process.

Eric oversees the worlds best home page a user-led resource. Do you want to quit smoking? Visit Smokefree England for further information.

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